1 + 1

When you buy a BEDEUR bed, you get a second mattress for free.

In various cultures, gifts have become an integral part of society and people place great emphasis on choosing gifts. We know that choosing the right gift is not easy. We will make it easier for you. Do you want to make someone happy or yourself who cares about quality sleep and likes luxury and quality? Buy a Bedeur bed right now when we offer a 1 + 1 Christmas offer!

For Bedeur I.  as a gift you can get one of the following mattresses Bedeur I., Bedeur II., Bedeur III., Or Bedeur IV. mattress

For Bedeur II.  as a gift you can get one of the following mattresses Bedeur II., Bedeur III., Bedeur IV.

For Bedeur III. as a gift you can get one of the following mattresses Bedeur III., Bedeur IV.

For Bedeur IV. as a gift you can get a Bedeur IV. mattress

The offer is valid until 31.12.2020 and also applies to the exhibited models. It does not apply to products on sale.
(Information on the offer for a specific exhibited model can be obtained from the seller.)

The second mattress is not covered by First Class services.
The second product is covered by the above-standard warranty as with any other Bedeur bed model.
Shipping and installation of both products to one address is free. For delivery and installation to two different addresses, shipping to the other address is charged.

“I made a single mistake when I bought the bed. The mistake is that I didn’t buy it earlier. My sleep is indescribable.”

Jitka, Prague

,,Delicioso! I didn’t want to get out of bed this morning. Thanks for your bed and for a pleasant sleep!”

Jean, Marbella

,,The difference is incomparable, I can’t give it enough praise. Imagine that we want to spend more time in bed than in the living room. I really like the breathability of the mattress. My husband would wake up all the time before and since Bedeur, we have had no problem. It is an amazing feeling to sleep all night without moving around and waking up. In one year we plan to order another bed.”

Irene, Vienna

 ,,Now I know what it means to sleep well.”

Petr, Praha

,,We are very happy with the bed. So much so that we also recommended it to my sister. She already has a bed.”

Jana, Baden

,,One of the best investments in my life.”

Jiří, Prague

 ,,The bed is magnificent, the difference is noticeable. As we we were already told regarding the basic model, we feel the difference in comparison to artificial material. It is great to have a bigger bed, it’s just the age to realize it. We definitely recommend it. And we cannot forget the great access during transport, for your co-workers - delivery people, nothing seems to be a problem, and with a smile on their faces they helped, rearranged, moved around what was needed... but didn’t forget to make some funny remarks that will guarantee to disarm you when you are having a bad day."

Patrik and Evka, Košice

 ,,The bed is magnificent, the difference is noticeable. As we we were already told regarding the basic model, we feel the difference in comparison to artificial material. It is great to have a bigger bed, it’s just the age to realize it. We definitely recommend it. And we cannot forget the great access during transport, for your co-workers - delivery people, nothing seems to be a problem, and with a smile on their faces they helped, rearranged, moved around what was needed... but didn’t forget to make some funny remarks that will guarantee to disarm you when you are having a bad day."

Patrik and Evka, Košice

,,Since I got this bed, everyone at home wants to sleep next to me.” Even the wife and unfortunately, the children are pushing for it. So basically I’m not sleeping due to unwanted visitors. But we sleep really well.”

Marián, Malinovo

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