Our experienced craftsmen will handmake a luxurious bed for you, exclusively from natural materials matching your preferences

A first-class bed should fit you as well as a suit, dress, or a car. In order for the new bed to perfectly reflect your needs, wishes, and personality, we offer you unlimited possibilities for its personalization and configuration.

In our showrooms, we will provide you with top-quality service and advise you on what hardness and mattress composition are right for you. We will help you choose the size and composition of the box, topper, and surface fabric.


Take a look at the world of Bernuss and get inspired. The possibilities are almost unlimited. The only limit is your imagination.


Take a look at the world of Bernuss and get inspired. The possibilities are almost unlimited. The only limit is your imagination.


Take a look at the world of Bernuss and get inspired. The possibilities are almost unlimited. The only limit is your imagination.


Take a look at the world of Bernuss and get inspired. The possibilities are almost unlimited. The only limit is your imagination.

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